The musical journey of Gerald Samuel “Mac” McKenzie is a diverse string of manifestations that spans a professional recording career of over twenty-five years. Despite surface differences, an indispensable denominator binds the brash punk riffs of the Genuines in 1986 to the sultry violin lines of the Cape Town Composers’ Workshop showcase in 2009. In a word, it’s goema. Here are some selected recordings to seek out and investigate:
► Namaqua - Daylight (1998)
1. The Mountain, Sand & Sea (G.S. McKenzie)
2. Daylight (G.S. McKenzie)
3. Stella by Starlight (V. Young)
4. Autumn Leaves (J. Mercer)
5. Green Dolphin Street (B. Kaper, N. Washington)
6. The Days of Wine & Roses (H. Mancini)
7. Concilia (G.S. McKenzie)
8. Café Camissa (G.S. McKenzie)
9. Donna Lee (M. Davis, C. Parker)
► The Goema Captains of Cape Town - Healing Destination (2004)
1. Alibama (Traditional | G.S. McKenzie)
2. Healing Destination (G.S. McKenzie)
3. Night March (Traditional | G.S. McKenzie)
4. Disentangled (G.S. McKenzie)
5. Red Rock City (G.S. McKenzie)
6. The Healing (G.S. McKenzie, H. Schilder)
7. To Wisdom (G.S. McKenzie)
8. Raa (G.S. McKenzie)
9. Goema Goema (Traditional | G.S. McKenzie)
10. Bolero (Ravel | G.S. McKenzie)
11. Goema Blues in F (G.S. McKenzie)
► Mac McKenzie - Live in Bridgetown (2009)
1. F-Major Goema (G.S. McKenzie)
2. The Healing (G.S. McKenzie, H. Schilder)
3. Colibri (Variation 1) (G.S. McKenzie)
4. D 76 (G.S. McKenzie)
5. F-Major Waltz (G.S. McKenzie)
6. Cape Town Dance (G.S. McKenzie)
7. Colibri (Variation 2) (G.S. McKenzie)
(See Goema Orchestra for 2010 recording)
Photo © Sara Gouveia