Thursday, 3 May 2012

Mama Goema :: Spine Road High School

There’s nothing like getting to watch a film at school! 136 Grade 10s at Spine Road High in Mitchells Plain got to kick back and enjoy Mama Goema at their Tuesday morning assembley after the Freedom Day long weekend. There was, naturally, a pedagogical spin to the screening as learners were encouraged to consider Cape Town’s ever-growing film industry as a potential career choice. Moreover, the learners were reminded that they don’t have to look any further than their own communities to tell compelling stories that the rest of the world wants to hear. And they also missed 10 minutes of Maths (sorry teachers)!

“The movie was quite interesting. There were various types of intruments and that was gevaarlik.”

“The movie did rock! I learnt about all the different instruments and how musicians act funny.”